Experience community management at its best, Go live in less than 48 hours!

Maintenance Bills
Generate Maintenance Bills within seconds for any billing frequency and send to members via SMS/Email.

End-to-End Accounting
From billing to expenses, year end transactions, audit statements, you get complete control of Society Accounts

Visitor Management
Secure your premises by verifying every visitor directly with residents seamlessly by using Visitor Management.

Create & Serve Notices
Use AppSociety to create public or unit-specific notices with attachments and ability to email to applicable members.

Document Library
Securely store all important documents, correspondences, forms, certificates etc. in a repository and access it at ease.

Member Helpdesk/Support
Members can raise service requests, complains or share feedback and track the status through AppSociety mobile app.

Handy Contacts
No need to separately store society contacts on your phone. Make calls directly from the app.

Conduct Polls
Let every voice count, conduct fair & automated polls within your community in seconds. Share results instantly.

Explore All Features
Check out all features that AppSociety has to offer today, while we keep adding many more. Click here
Manage your society from your finger tips. Get free* access and evaluate. Click here to know more